Experience Mars Hill Anywhere 📡
An Innovative Community for the Modern Soul
Discover Flexible Worship, Personal Growth, and Belonging
Mars Hill Baptist Church: Where Faith Ignites Purpose
At Mars Hill, we believe that faith is not merely a weekly ritual but a profound catalyst for personal growth and positive change. Our community is a vibrant collective of souls who have been touched by God's love and are now driven to share that transformative experience with the world.
Our Mission: Empowering Modern Disciples
We understand the complexities of embracing faith in today's fast-paced world. That's why our mission extends far beyond our church walls—we are dedicated to equipping you with the tools, guidance, and support to seamlessly integrate your spiritual journey into your multifaceted lifestyle. Our vision is to cultivate a fellowship of fully devoted followers of Christ who actively live out their faith in every aspect of their lives.
The Gospel's Transformative Power: Fueling Positive Change
At the core of Mars Hill lies an unwavering belief: the gospel of Christ holds the key to profound personal transformation. It is through this life-altering truth that we can reshape ourselves, our communities, and ultimately the world around us. We invite you to join our inclusive community and embark on a spiritual journey that transcends boundaries and empowers you to enact meaningful change through service, outreach, and the radiant force of God's love.
Whether you're seeking spiritual enrichment, a deeper sense of purpose, or a supportive community to call home, Mars Hill offers a truly innovative experience. Our progressive approach harmoniously blends ancient wisdom with modern sensibilities, fostering an environment where your faith can flourish, catalyzing growth, hope, and positive impact.
Take the first step towards an extraordinary spiritual awakening. Discover Mars Hill, where faith ignites purpose and lives are transformed.
Take the first step towards an extraordinary spiritual awakening. Discover Mars Hill, where faith ignites purpose and lives are transformed. To learn more, email us at: info@marshillchicago.org
Welcome to Church Online! 🎉
Church Online is a community of people worldwide 🌏 experiencing God and connecting with one another like never before in history. You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you, ❤️ just as you are.
Please introduce yourself to the chat and let us know where you’re from! 👋
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Dive Deeper with THE BREAKDOWN Sermon Rewind! 📖✨
Are you hungry for more insights from our sermons? Want to revisit powerful messages and reflect at your own pace? Subscribe to "THE BREAKDOWN Sermon Rewind"! Each rewind offers a fresh perspective on past sermons, ensuring you never miss the depth and nuances of God's Word shared at Mars Hill Anywhere.
👉 Click link to subscribe and enrich your spiritual journey. https://bit.ly/Messagerewind
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▶ MY BOOK: amazon.com/author/cestowers
▶ MY LINKS: https://linktr.ee/clarencestowers
Next Steps 💪
⏰: Wednesday @ 7PM & Sunday @ 10:30 AM Central
🖥: Facebook Live (Mars Hill Chicago’s Page)
📺: YouTube (ClarenceStowersTV)
🐦: Twitter (@MarsHillBC)
♥️: Ways to Give - To support Mars Hill and help us continue reaching people worldwide, click here: http://marshillchicago.org/giving, or
📲You can text MHGIVE from your phone or mobile device to 33777, follow the prompts, and give.
🎯: Join our Facebook Group, click here: https://bit.ly/mhfbgroup
🖥: Facebook Live (Mars Hill Chicago’s Page)
🙏🏾 Prayer Request 🙏🏾
We appreciate you sharing your prayer request with us. Prayer has the power to change lives. We will pray with and for you as you submit your prayer request below.
We pray that God protects, provides for, and gives you peace through Jesus Christ, our Lord! Take a moment to ponder these scriptures this week:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge him, and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-
God bless you and your family!
Submit your prayer request here: https://bit.ly/prayermha.
Welcome! We are a hybrid 5G church where we gather, group, grow, go, and give. You made the right decision by joining the Mars Hill Anywhere Online Life Group. We meet via Zoom every Monday at 7 p.m.
We look forward to growing with you.
Connect with a Digital Life Group here: https://bit.ly/lifegroupmha.
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